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In our latest tuhinga, we explore the exciting topic of Papakāinga housing in Aotearoa. With its rich cultural taonga and vibrant tangata whenua, Aotearoa presents unique opportunities for communal and sustainable noho through the Papakāinga housing model.

Here at HouseMe, we are dedicated to collaborating with Māori hapori to support the realisation of their housing aspirations on whenua tūpuna.

What is Papakāinga Housing?

Papakāinga housing represents more than just physical hanganga; it’s about building hapori and strengthening ties to the whenua and each other. These developments are typically situated on Māori whenua and designed to tautoko extended family groups or whānau, promoting not only close-knit hapori but also economic self-sufficiency and cultural revitalisation. A Papakāinga setup might include multiple households sharing communal wāhi noho while honouring their tuku iho and advancing collective whāinga.

Exploring Funding Options for Papakāinga Projects:

Navigating the financial aspects of developing Papakāinga can be challenging, yet several supportive pathways make these projects feasible:

  • Te Puni Kōkiri offers grants and loans tailored for Māori housing developments.
  • Kāinga Ora provides support for affordable housing initiatives, including those on Māori land.
  • Local government subsidies can help with infrastructure costs, making a significant difference in project viability.
  • Bank loans and mortgages, specially designed for communal land settings, are also available.

These funding sources are crucial in transforming the concept of Papakāinga into a tangible reality, ensuring that financial hurdles do not hinder community progress.

How HouseMe Tautoko Papakāinga Housing:

At HouseMe, we specialise in turning Papakāinga dreams into pono. Our services range from initial feasibility and planning to the final construction phases. We understand the intricacies of whenua management laws and hapori dynamics, which positions us uniquely to ārahi our clients through the complex processes involved in Papakāinga developments.

The Role of Iwi in Papakāinga Development:

Iwi plays a pivotal role in the success of Papakāinga housing. Their involvement ensures that the developments not only provide physical homes but also foster a sense of belonging and cultural legacy. Iwi support can come in various forms, including governance, land management, and providing cultural guidance throughout the project lifecycle. Their participation helps anchor the community in its cultural roots while driving forward its modern aspirations.

Why HouseMe?

Choosing HouseMe as your hoa in developing Papakāinga housing means selecting a team that respects and understands the importance of tuku iho, hapori, and tauwhiro. We’re here to tautoko every step of your haerenga, from securing pūtea to celebrating the completion of your new hapori space.

Join Us on This Journey

We invite you to stay connected as we explore innovative housing solutions and community projects. If you’re interested in learning more about Papakāinga housing or if you have a project in mind, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can create spaces that honour past generations while providing for future ones.


Buy price options

Finance prices are indicative and based on typical terms of a deposit followed by weekly payments over a ten year period.
